My husband and I first got pregnant in March 2013, I was 30 and unfortunately had an ectopic pregnancy. At the times we lived in Leeds, and we decided we would keep trying and hopefully fall pregnant again soon.

In March 2014, we moved back to Wales so I could help look after my dad who was very poorly. Lee and I got engaged but starting to get worried we had not fallen pregnant again, I made a doctor's appointment to see what we could do. My dad passed away in 2015 not long before our wedding and I was just starting investigations into my fertility.

Fast forward a few years and still not pregnant, we finally got our referral for IVF in 2017 with unexplained fertility problems. After a long wait we had our first appointment at the Hewitt Fertility Centre in Liverpool, after a few more appointments we were ready to start my cycle. I had a phone call to say my funding from the Welsh government had been cut and our treatment had been put on hold, we were absolutely devastated. I was soon on the phone and sending emails to NHS Wales funding and a Professor of fertility for advice. I even got my local MP involved, everyone was great and very supportive. I eventually received a letter telling me my treatment would now be funded as I was so far along in the process. We had our first round of IVF in December 2018 but unfortunately it didn't work for us.

We were starting to think everything was against us but we had 3 embryos left. We were having a frozen transfer on a natural cycle with no medication.  I had a different mind-set this time and had been going for reflexology on the run up to my appointment, on the morning of my appointment and within hours of getting back from Liverpool. I was much more relaxed this time.

Our dreams had come true. I was pregnant and everything was perfect, we were so over the moon we couldn't believe we were going to have a baby. Matilda was born two weeks early by emergency c section. Matilda is a beautiful little girl, full of joy and happiness, she is our little sweetheart.


We were due to have our 3rd round of IVF for baby number 2 in April 2020 but our treatment has been postponed due to coronavirus and the lockdown. We are hoping to hear any day now that treatments have started again… fingers crossed.

We couldn't be more thankful to all the staff at the Hewitt centre. They have always been so caring, helpful and truly amazing, thank you.

Sally & Lee