Our story, well where to start...

My husband and I started trying for a baby in 2010. After numerous tests and treatments such as Clomid and acupuncture etc, we discovered that I wasn't ovulating every time and Rob had low sperm motility. 

In 2015, a month or so before we got married, we were referred finally to the Hewitt Centre, it was fabulous news just before we got married, and as we would be the first couple to be treated at the Knutsford clinic our hopes were high.

Unfortunately the first treatment failed and then the second failed. It was soul destroying, after being extremely good during both treatments and cutting out anything that could have an adverse effect it really knocked us and we didn't know whether to even bother with the last treatment. It would be our final go as we couldn't afford to do it privately. 

We took some time to ourselves and after chatting with the consultant agreed to be put on the waiting list for donor eggs as my egg quality just wasn't good enough.  We waited and waited for a match and just at the point we had given up we got a call late in 2018 to say we had a match. It was fantastic news and gave us a much needed boost. 

In August 2019 the day before my 40th birthday, we had the egg transfer. Trying not to get our hopes up we did the test 2 weeks later and to our massive shock it was positive! 

We didn't tell anyone until 12 weeks and then only close family until it was obvious. We didn't want to jinx it and end up devastated. However, to our surprise it all went really well and at 37 weeks in April 2020 we had our gorgeous daughter Meredith. Our miracle baby after 10 years and she is amazing, we are privileged to have her. 

We cannot thank the staff and team at Liverpool Women’s Hospital and the Hewitt Centre enough. Thank you for our gorgeous girl we love her to bits! 

Rhian, Rob & Meredith