We tried to conceive Isaac for over four years with no luck. I went to the doctors with constant severe stomach cramps. The results of the ultrasound scan showed I had a large ovarian cyst. I had stage 4 endometriosis and waited over a year for key-hole surgery to have it removed. The endometriosis was so bad that my organs had stuck together. My left ovary with the cyst on ruptured and twisted my left fallopian tube with it a few months before the surgery. My left fallopian tube was removed during surgery and half of my left ovary. The endometriosis was found in other places in my body including a large mass at the back of my cervix and on my bowel. The endometriosis had also destroyed my right fallopian tube making it impossible to conceive. My partner and I were in shock as we had never even heard of endometriosis before. I was told my endometriosis was so severe that I should be having surgeries every couple of years and may need a hysterectomy later in life.

We were told after the surgery that we could be put forward for IVF in Liverpool. The surgeon said our chances of success were less than 5%. Even though the odds were against us, as I only had one good ovary to retrieve eggs from, we were still positive it might work and we did everything to give us the best chance e.g. exercising every day and eating healthy. 

A year later, little did we know we would be watching our son as an embryo on a screen in front of us. Two weeks later we got a positive test result and I was over the moon after all the negative pregnancy tests over the years. Finally we had a positive, something we thought was impossible for us and it was all because of Liverpool Women's Hospital. Words could not describe how happy and grateful we were to Liverpool for giving us our little miracle.


It was an amazing process and all the staff were incredibly supportive throughout treatment. Our little miracle, Isaac, was a Christmas baby born on 18/12/17, he was born perfect with a good weight and no health problems. There were also no problems during labour. As Isaac is now 2 and a half years old we couldn't be prouder of the happy, clever, funny, cheeky, caring and kind little man he has become. He is our world and sometimes we can't imagine life before he was here with us, it feels like he has always been here and always been a part of our family. We would be lost without him, he is our lifetime happiness, we love him so much, he is our little miracle. Words cannot describe what Liverpool hospital did for us by finally making us a whole family, we just hope one day we can repay them in some way. We hope to soon raise money for the hospital by doing some charity running events when the events are back on after the Covid-19 pandemic is over. So once again to all the supportive staff at Liverpool hospital, thank you for all your help and support and for making our dreams of becoming parents come true. Thank you so much. 

Gemma & John